Tips for Searching Naturalization Records

  1. The site is primarily designed to search for records by last name.
  2. When searching last names, consider searching not only the modern spelling of the name, but also the traditional spelling, as well.
  3. First names may be entered to limit the results normally obtained through a last name search by itself.
  4. When searching using First Name as a criteria, if the results do not contain the information you are searching for, try reducing the number of characters within the search box or eliminate the first name criteria altogether. For example, if you are not certain whether the first name of the individual you are searching is spelled "Stephen" versus "Steven", consider entering "St" as the limited first name criteria.
  5. Country of Origin is another search criterion one may use to either locate records or limit results returned in conjunction with other search criteria, such as, Last Name and First Name.
  6. File Year is another search criterion one may use to either locate records or limit results returned in conjunction with other search criteria, such as, Last Name and First Name.
  7. Example Name Search: McCarthy(no space) or Mc Carthy(space)