Tavia Galonski - Summit County Clerk of Courts
Complete the fields below and click submit. Your public records request will be submitted electronically to the Summit County Clerk of Courts for processing. You will be notified when your records request has been fulfilled. Requested records will generally be available within 24 hours of the request being received during normal business hours, excluding weekends and legal holidays. Questions? Call: (330) 643-2741.
Requestor Information:
First Name:* Last Name:* Firm/Agency: Email Address:* Phone Number:* Street Address 1: Street Address 2: City: State: Zip:
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I am an attorney/or attorney of record on the aforementioned case(s). I acknowledge that by signing this document I am receiving an un-redacted document from the Summit County Clerk of Courts case file that may contain personal identifiers for the parties associated with this case. This document(s) is needed for professional use and/or the purpose of representing my client in a judicial matter before the Court.
Requested Information:
Case Number File Date* Name of Parties* Description of Requested Records* Certified?

 rev: 20.0617.1