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Domestic Relations Filing Fees
Effective 04/01/2017
Aid in Execution (Clerk $119, Bank $1) $120.00
All Post Decree Motions $240.00
Annulment (without Children) $370.00
Annulment (with Children) $420.00
Application for Appointed Counsel $25.00
Certifications (per page) $1.00
Complaint for Legal Custody $420.00
Contempt Enforcement Actions (Does not Include Pending Actions) $240.00
Contempt Enforcement Actions (Where Parental Rights or Companionship/Visitation Issues Are Involved) $240.00
Copies (per page) $0.10
Cross Claim or Counterclaim $50.00
Dissolution (without Children) $370.00
Dissolution (with Children) $400.00
Division of Property Order (DOPO)
Effective 03/01/2023
Divorce (without Children) $370.00
Divorce (with Children) $420.00
Filing of Judgement Lien $55.50
Foreign Sheriff Service $100.00
Garnishments $120.00
Legal Separation(without Children) $370.00
Legal Separation(Children) $420.00
Motion for Modification of Legal Custody $240.00
Motion for Relief from Judgment (Civil Rule 60B Motion) $240.00
Post Timeline Agreed Entries $50.00
Private Parenting Complaint (Involving support, visitation or custody where parents are unmarried) $420.00
Qualified Domestic Relations Order (QDRO)
Effective 03/01/2023
Registration of Foreign Order (UCCJEA, UIFSA, etc.) $420.00
Third Party Complaint (on an existing case) $240.00
